Monday, July 25, 2011


It's Summer.

In fact, it's been summer for quite awhile now. It was about two weeks ago that it really hit though, with the temps in the triple digits and humidity right behind. But today was nice. It was in the nineties I guess, but the humidity seemed better, and this evening was positively lovely. It's already down to 77 at twenty to ten.

We took advantage of the loverly weather this evening to go on a nice little three wheeler ride. The family is getting a little big to all fit, but we still manage. The fields are just beautiful right now, the sky was clear, the light was wonderful.... And I didn't take any pictures. Sorry.

When we got home we lounged around the yard for awhile, you can see pics of that here.

In other news, I guess I will have to eat crow and admit to re-joining Facebook. Go ahead, laugh, make fun, and deride me for a hypocrite. When you're done I have something to say. Ready?

I still think Facebook friends are poor substitutes for real friends. I still think that the content in general on Facebook is shallow. I still wouldn't let any child of mine join Facebook unless they were of a mature age and I could see everything that went on. I still don't like that Facebook makes messaging 'friends' at anytime as simple as typing on a keyboard (if you parents of youth age people don't see any problems with that I think you're a little naive, in the same way as I think that you're a bit naive if you allow your children to text with no restrictions or parental oversight).

I could say more, but I won't.

We're hoping that being on Facebook will help us to keep up with friends and family that we're interested in who don't live around here. Time will tell whether it will be a useful tool for that.

In other news we're looking forward to camping in Wisconsin in about three weeks! I doubt if you'll see us posting before then, but who knows?