There, I managed to fill an entire paragraph. Did I say anything? See, even though I wanted to put something up tonight, I didn't necessarily feel inspired. So I just started typing out random nonsensical drivel. Which (I'm beginning to suspect) is a good way to lose readership. Someone please tell the New York Times.
Today started a little earlier for me than a typical Saturday morning. I had to go and play hockey at eight. Well, I didn't have to but it was the first chance for me to do so all year. So I did. And while married life certainly has many positive things about it, I would just mention to any seriously contemplating that important step that it very likely may result in a decrease in effectiveness at the sport of hockey. But I wouldn't let that stop you, it's worth it anyway. Actually, they're both worth it. But on different levels. As I was saying, we played hockey. And it was fun. And now I'm sore.
Jenny and I went to an auction the rest of the day. It was up at the Seward Ag Pavilion, and we had fun. We managed to buy a reasonably serviceable pressure cooker (sorry for your loss, Arla), as well as other odds and ends. Such as a pile of random length and width oak boards, a tent that may or may not hold up to light use, several antique irons (one cute little 2 1/2 pounder and two with the wooden removable handle), not to mention a hand mixer for a dollar. That last one may have been overpriced. But when plugged into 110 it makes satisfactory whirring noises and brandishes wicked looking little beaters which I suspect would cause significant pain if applied to the fingers. It looks like it may be older than I, so I was only a little surprised that it worked. Hmmm, I guess I work sometimes too, so I'm not sure why that's a surprise. Of course, if you plugged me into 110 I imagine I'd make funny sounds and brandish things too.

I do apologize for taking up your time with this rather boring post, but at least you know I haven't forgotten about you all! Until next time....