Thursday, February 25, 2010

Springtime (I can dream, can't I?)

Who misplaced my global warming? I'm serious, this is getting to be a big problem. I don't know just how the legislation they've been working on got enacted so quickly, but ever since the Democrats have been in power in Washington (or maybe even before) there has been a serious reversal of this global warming phenomenon. So serious in fact, that we're not allowed to call it that anymore. It sounds so ridiculously laughable to a nation wrapped in snow which has seen an avalanche of records broken this winter, that they've decided to call it something new: Climate Change. Well, they still mean the same thing, it just doesn't make them look quite as silly as when they call it "warming". If you all feel about like I do, you'd gladly go out and start your car and let it run all night long to increase CO2 globally and produce warming. If only it would work. That's the other problem they have, it just doesn't work.

I didn't start this post to take jabs at the uncomfortably chilled, red faced proponents of the global warming- er, climate change myth. I was merely going to remark on the fact that for the end of February, it seems unseasonably brisk out. For my region anyway, the -2 temperature the other morning seemed a little unreasonable. But we can't control the weather. Much as some of us would like to. (snicker)

Oh well. I don't mean to be uncharitable, I just enjoy a good joke as I'm sure most of you do.

What have we been up to lately? Last weekend was the Seward Home show. This was our first time going to the show as Country Truss, LLC. Here's a picture of our booth. It was enjoyable, although I don't know how profitable. I guess that remains to be seen.

If Spring won't come, we're going to try forcing the issue. Jenny planted Tomato seeds, Peppers of some kind, and a few other vegetables (not to mention flowers) in the past week or so, and we're just hoping that the mountains of snow outside subside in time for us to put these plants out before fall.

Right now our garden has enough snow on it that the dogs run over the fence in back of it (which is only four or five feet high, the big drifts are over the horses fence) and I seriously am considering search and rescue for my garlic and strawberry plants, lest they give up and move to Florida.

As you can see, we have a regular little greenhouse inside our regular little white house, and unless it starts warming up outside soon I'm a little worried that these plants will expand until we won't have enough room to give them all a little sunlight. We're a little challenged to find windows that let sunlight in, and these lamps aren't going to cut it when the plants get bigger. I hope to be able to put the plants in the porch, which will give them plenty of morning sun, but it simply gets too cold in there to do that anytime soon. I don't care to leave the inside door open to heat the porch at zero temps even if my heat does come from a wood stove.

That's about the scoop on what all we've got going on. We're just hanging on and hoping we can hold out until Spring rolls in to town. Until then, (or maybe sooner, you never can tell when the urge will strike to write) I'm off to throw another log on the fire.


P.S. Three Cheers! My wife saw a flock of Robins today! The worm digging business seems like it would still be a little slow, but here's hoping they don't mind waiting a month or two for their dinner!


amyjane30 said...

Hey I have two lights just for growing plants like could borrow them. You could put them in your cold room in a box w/ the lights and plastic and you'd probably be okay....

Gabe n Jenny said...

We might have to try that once these get a little bigger, thanks for the offer.

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