As I was saying, the weather lately has been not only the cause for farmers worrying over corn and beans still standing in the field, but it has also made fertile ground among us for the flu to take root and spread. And it seems to have done so. Through a lack of sleep on my part, and exposure (I suppose, though I know not where) I have managed to find myself with a sore throat, plugged sinuses, and that squeaky bass voice so unnatural to me, my voice typically being a squeaky tenor. I don’t know if it’s the Not-Swine-Flu or not, but whatever the case is, my wife has decided that Vitamin C's are the cure-all.
I think it's due to me making her take her vitamins so regularly (even if I did have to have make a daily reminder pop up on the computer to do it) that she so happily shoves two or three 500mg's of vitamin C down my throat daily. They are the wonderful, chewable "Multiple Fruit Flavors" kind, which make a person quite believe that chalk would be, if not a desirable alternative, at least an acceptable one. I think I'll take the whole bottle of them and try to hide them somewhere, when she's not looking. ~GB
Hi this Jenny.... I thought I should clarify a few things... "two or three" Vitamin C's is somewhat of an exaggeration on my husband's part. I was lucky to get him to eat one yesterday and have yet to shove any down his throat today. Also, I nobly partake in the Vitamin C's as well, even though I also find them rather untasty.
By the way, I do plan to write occasionally as well, I just haven't felt very inspired yet. Maybe I'll be inspired tomorrow, who knows. So far the only inspiring thing I can think of to write about are rats.
Love your postings. C's and all.
Poor Gabe. Oh and I like the house photo really well.
Yay! Clap, clap! So glad to have a way to keep up with you guys! :) Keep up the good work!
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